Minnesota Orchestra

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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

After Hours: Wednesday Edition

Here's your chance to let us know what you thought of Wednesday night's Inside the Classics concert! We had a nearly full house, which was great to see, and as always, you guys are a fantastically responsive audience! So chime in down in the comments, and let us know what you liked, what you thought we could have done better, and what you'd like to see more of in future shows...

(Also, if you'd like to learn more about Copland and Appalachian Spring, you can read all the stuff we didn't have room for in the show in our Cutting Room Floor posts...)

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Blogger Grace-n-Glory said...

What an enjoyable evening! My husband is a music enthusiast and I'm a music educator, both of us found last night's concert compeletly engaging! Giving the work such complete sense of context both musically and historically, as well as supporting all discussion with musical exerpts, allowed us deeper appreciation for this already well-loved piece!

I am very curious on one count...Sarah, last evening after the Simple gifts completion, when the music changes to reflect a hopeful hymnlike snippet of America, you stopped using your baton. Is this because the piece becomes more choral or something??
I couldn't help but wonder!

Thank you both for a fabulous concert!

May 1, 2008 at 12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The highlight for me was obviously learning the Celtics were beating Atlanta, thanks very much for that, LOL!!

Sam, your last "speech" was absolutely perfect, and Sarah, it was fascinating to watch all the meter change aspects, especially after reading this blog.

It was great to see a packed house and I couldn't help but notice a lot of younger kids around me totally engrossed the entire night, you're definitely connecting.

So what will happen with the website/blog, will it go on haitus until next season? The correct answer is "no" :)

Thanks for an outstanding Inside the Classics season, you continue to impress!!

May 1, 2008 at 8:48 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Grace&Glory, thanks for noticing! I occasionally put down the baton because I feel like I can really shape the music better when using only my hands. The baton is essential for precision, but when approaching a section like the end of Appalachian Spring, it's easier to dig into the sound of the orchestra without it. There's something very choral about that section, and I prefer to conduct choruses without a baton, so maybe there's that connection too.

May 2, 2008 at 12:04 AM  
Blogger Sam said...

Steve, glad we could be of service on the basketball thing. (Not an NBA fan myself - hockey's much more my style - but I'm guessing it didn't come as a surprise that Boston was running away with the game.)

The blog will definitely NOT be going on hiatus in the ItC offseason. There may be occasional lulls (I teach at a couple of rural summer music camps/festivals where internet access is spotty at best, and I imagine that Sarah might have some similar weeks,) but other than those, we'll keep on posting as we have all year. Good to know there are folks reading what we write, and it's also great to connect with our regular readers at the concerts (faces to the names, and such...)

May 2, 2008 at 12:58 AM  

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