Minnesota Orchestra

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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Who Knew Nixon Was Such A Softie?

In honor of closing night at the Republican Convention across the river, here's a clip of another (in)famous Republican politician tickling the ivories. (And yes, that's Jack Paar introducing him.) For some reason, the sound cuts out about 40 seconds before the end of the clip, but you'll have the general idea by then...

Judging by the reference to "last November" and the joviality of the question about "future political plans," I'm guessing this was in 1961, after Nixon had lost the presidential race to Jack Kennedy, and not post-Watergate. (Come to think of it, a post-Watergate clip would probably have been in color, too.) Thanks to MN Orch online marketing guru Brian Mangin for pointing me to the clip...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, it was not after the 1960 election loss to JFK. This was after Nixon lost to Pat Brown in the California governor's race two years later. Then in '68 he beat our hometown boy, HHH, (then Vice President) for the presidency by the narrowest margin ever. (Until Bush who had an even narrower margin considering he lost and still got in.)

September 18, 2008 at 11:03 AM  
Blogger Sam said...

Ah, that makes more sense! Thanks, Roland...

September 18, 2008 at 4:20 PM  

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