Minnesota Orchestra

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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Help Us Entertain You

Okay, here's the deal, people. We don't ask for a lot around here, aside from the occasional intelligent comment (which y'all have been excellent about providing) and your continued willingness to take an interest in what Sarah and I do for a living.

But we're looking for a bit of help here. Times are tough, as you know, and any arts organization will tell you that getting people out of their houses and into a museum, concert hall, or theater is darned tough in the month or two after Christmas, even in the best of economic circumstances. But the fact is, we've got an Inside the Classics concert coming up at the end of the month that we're awfully excited about, and if you were to push me, I'd confess that I'm pretty sure it's going to be the best show we've done yet in two years of putting these things on at Orchestra Hall.

So here's what we're asking. We've thrown up an event page over at Facebook, with a basic description of what we'll be doing on the 28th and 29th, and invited everyone we know who might be in the MSP area on those dates and doesn't actually play in the orchestra. But we need more invites, so if you're a Facebook type (and we know for a fact that some of you are,) please take a couple of minutes to head on over to our page and invite literally everyone you know in the Twin Cities metro. If you wanted to add a note telling them about past ItC shows you've attended, more power to you. But even just spreading the word would be a tremendous help to us.

Even if you're not a Facebooker, we want to do everything we can to pack the hall for these shows, and you'd be amazed how a little word of mouth can make a difference. So if you were already planning on attending, first of all, thank you, and secondly, would you consider asking a few friends to come along? And if you've been perusing this blog or any of the rest of the MN Orch web site and wondered why the heck we're not using Proven Viral Marketing Technique X to attract people to the hall, chime in down in the comments and let us know what we ought to be doing! We're always looking for new ideas...

So, to sum up:

Facebook Event Page Here

Concert Detail Page Here
(with link to online ticketing)

Comments Here

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