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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I'm seeing stars

This unusual domed ceiling from the interior of the Dusseldorf Tonhalle, where we played two nights ago.

And here, the stage view.

This is the only concert hall I know that started out as - you may have guessed it - a planetarium. Thus the domed ceiling with the diaphanous panels (you can actually see the scaffolding and equipment behind the panels). Very "future cool". And a little bit "Space, the final frontier".

And now to tap into a different space-based cultural touchstone:

For any of you "Star Wars" geeks out there, you know exactly what this refers to . Pictured are fellow geeks bassist Matt Frischman and violist Sifei Cheng, post-concert in Stuttgart, on our way to find a late dinner.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous concert hall in Dusseldorf! I love the dome. How did that affect the sound?

March 2, 2009 at 3:55 PM  

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