Minnesota Orchestra

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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Let's Go, Buff-a-lo!

For reasons that remain unclear to me (but which almost certainly have to do with Blogger being ridiculously sucky at generating blogs,) we do not have a blogroll here at ItC Central. So when we discover a fabulous new music-related blog that we think all y'all should be reading, we pretty much have to dedicate a whole post to telling you about it.

Fortunately, I have no problem with that in this case. I've written before about my friend Kate Holzemer, a native Minnesotan who spends her days playing viola in the Buffalo Philharmonic, and her nights blogging hilariously about her beloved Buffalo Sabres. And now, with the Buffalo Phil preparing for a tour of the ever-lucrative state of Florida, the powers that be at the BPO have tapped Kate to apply her writing skills to their official tour blog.

Pretty much every orchestra that goes on any sort of tour these days puts up a blog, and to be brutally honest, most of them range from unreadably bland to offensively self-promotional. So I really can't recommend Kate's BPO blog highly enough, because I've known this woman for about 15 years now, and I can pretty much guarantee that she is the antithesis of bland and self-promotional. So far, she's referred to her viola as her unborn child, dubbed her stagehands SUPER-DUPER-MEGA-PROS, and called one of the BPO's percussionists a liar. And I'm assuming that's just her warm-up act.

The blog is at http://bporchestra.wordpress.com/, and you should all go there immediately. And then, you should forget how funny Kate is and come back here. Because honestly, we can't compete with that.

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Blogger Katebits said...

Aw, you're the best, Sam. That's about the nicest shout-out ever.

But I think your ItC readers will be back to you as soon as they read my first post about music. "Yeah, well, we played some stuff in a concert tonight. It was rad." That's about as deep as my musical analysis gets these days. :D

March 9, 2010 at 10:21 PM  

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