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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Traversing La Mer

"Immerse yourself in classical music aboard a luxury Caribbean cruise". Symphonic Voyages is planning a 12-night cruise in January of '11, departing from Baltimore and visiting St. Croix, Antigua, etc. On the agenda:

Join a community of music lovers and world-class artists on a unique vacation experience. Attend daily performances by a full symphony orchestra, chamber music concerts, and solo recitals by the artists in residence. Enjoy opportunities to socialize with the professional musicians who will be your fellow passengers.

I'm curious as to who members of the orchestra will be, as well as what the clientele is like...

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Blogger Sam said...

I don't know, but I've got a bunch of friends freelancing out East who would jump at that gig in a heartbeat! I don't guess they're going to have much trouble finding musicians who'd like to visit the Caribbean in January...

February 20, 2010 at 4:25 PM  
Anonymous Eric Stassen said...

Dear Sarah and Sam,

Thanks so much for the mention! And sorry I didn't notice it earlier -- I enjoy your blog very much, and normally keep closer tabs on it.

To answer your questions, the musicians will be freelancers from the Baltimore/Washington area. (It would be too risky to bring people in from further away in the dead of winter.) I hope they will be as enthusiastic as Sam suggests they might be! As for the clientele, I really don't know, as this is our debut sailing -- we'll have to wait and see.

There are two other things about Symphonic Voyages I think are worthy of mention here. The first is that we are deeply committed to creating a more interactive, participatory environment for our listeners than they are likely to experience at a (stereo-) typical orchestra concert. I've added a page to our site addressing this topic here: www.symphonicvoyages.com/community/the-sv-community

The second is that each one of our passengers has the option of requesting a $100 donation to the performing arts organization of their choice by Symphonic Voyages. So if we get ten Minnesota Orchestra fans on board, that's $1000 for the orchestra. We hope this will provide people like you with an incentive to spread the word about SV.

I'd be more than happy to discuss our enterprise at greater length with you or any of your readers. Our contact information is below.

Best wishes,
Eric Stassen
President, Symphonic Voyages, Inc.
(800) 970-SAIL

March 5, 2010 at 3:28 PM  

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