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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Monday, November 12, 2007

ItC on MPR

Just a quick note for anyone thinking about coming to this week's inaugural Inside the Classics concerts at Orchestra Hall: Sarah and I will be appearing on Minnesota Public Radio's classical music stations this afternoon (Monday) to talk about the series, the blog, and whatever else comes up. I don't know exactly what time the segment will air, but it should be sometime between 3 and 6pm, with MPR host (and closet violist!) Steve Staruch presiding.

MPR Classical is 99.5fm KSJN in the Twin Cities, and streams live from this page. If you're in outstate Minnesota, either Dakota, Wisconsin, Iowa, or the Michigan UP, you can find your station here...

Update, 12:42pm: As it turns out, the segments we taped at MPR today will not be airing until later this week, probably Wednesday, the day of our first concert. So you'll just have the leave the radio on until then. (Or not.) If any part of the interview winds up on the MPR website, I'll link to it here.

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