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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Friday, December 21, 2007

Not your grandmother's "Nutcracker"

Well, 'tis the season, and musicians all over the world are buried in ballet pits for the billionth production of the "Nutcracker". But trust me, you've never seen a production of the holiday favorite like this one, a production of the Bejart Ballet Lausanne choreographed by Maurice Bejart. Wow. I particularly like the accordionist (a leitmotif throughout this production.)

The ballet world mourned Bejart's passing last month. I first saw his work as a kid in Hawaii when Rudolph Nureyev came for a one-night engagement and performed Bejart's "Songs of a Wayfarer", which left a deep impression on me, and I've been an admirer since. Bejart managed to be both artistically adventurous and widely popular, not an easy feat in any field. And by all accounts, he was a hugely successful man who lived modestly, was generous with his dancers and was never above praising the work of his fellow choreographers.

One more link for you of Bejart's Nutcracker - a beautiful "Arabian Dance with an extraordinary dancer.



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