Minnesota Orchestra

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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Who Wants To Be Socially Networked?

If you're a Facebook type (and really, who isn't these days?) you should check out the new Event page I just threw together for our next Inside the Classics concert, which is now a mere three weeks away! We really are relying on word of mouth to spread interest in the series, so if you were at our November concerts, or if you've been enjoying the blog, please take a minute to join the guest list and invite a few friends! You can also post on the event wall, upload any cool photos you have of the Firebird concert (which you weren't really supposed to be taking, but whatever, it's the age of unlimited content, right?), and generally help us evangelize ourselves. Just, y'know, if that sounds like something you'd like to do.

Sarah and I have been thrilled with the response to the blog that we've gotten in a relatively short period of time, so any help you guys can give us in filling the hall would be much appreciated! We'll have more about our preparations for the Tchaikovsky show over the coming weeks here on the blog, so keep checking in regularly, and let us know if there's anything specific you'd like to hear about in the runup to the concerts...



Anonymous Anonymous said...


Regarding photo-taking at concerts by audience members -- I thought that was strictly forbidden? And when do the musicians have time to take photos? Do you really want to encourage people to whip out cameras or cell phones at concerts and take photos? If so, why has photo-taking been forbidden in the past? Just curious....

January 9, 2008 at 3:36 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

Photo taking is officially forbidden, but I can't help but notice a lot of people doing it anyway. I think our ushers probably try to tread the thin line between enforcing the policy and being overly aggressive in policing people who've paid good money to see the show. And cell phone cameras are nearly impossible to police.

Musicians obviously don't have time to take photos during the concert, and we don't. (Okay, Sarah did take those two from the podium of the violins in their tiaras during the November ItC concerts, but those were special circumstances.) The photos I posted on our Facebook event page and on the blog were professional shots taken by a great local shooter, Greg Helgeson, who we use often for archival and promotional purposes.

So no, I'm not encouraging anyone to disregard our policy. (Our orchestra committee would not be pleased.) I was just flippantly suggesting that if anyone had disregarded it...

January 9, 2008 at 4:49 PM  

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