Minnesota Orchestra

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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Saturday, February 23, 2008

We've Been Noticed

Ordinarily, these outstate tours of ours pass quietly by without much attention from the Twin Cities press. But this time, we've actually had something of a press boomlet: the Star Tribune's Graydon Royce and Jeff Thompson accompanied us to Jackson and Worthington, as did Mike Anthony, the former Strib music critic who is currently working on a book about Osmo.

Graydon turned in a nice front-page piece about the first day of the tour in this morning's Strib, and there's a very cool audio slide show on the paper's web site as well. Our pal Naomi made the front page as well, shaking hands with Bill Schrickel and Richard Marshall. (Thanks for the heads-up on that last one, Nicki...)

As if that weren't enough, the Marshall Independent carried a morning-after story about our concerts, and it seems likely that Willmar's West Central Tribune will run a story in the next day or two. So if you just can't get enough of reading about us on the road, there's your linkfest for the day.

I'll be back on late tonight with the post-game wrap from here in Willmar. But first, I'm off to check out my favorite Scandihoovian souvenir and bookstore downtown...

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