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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

(Not quite) fearing for my livelihood

A video of ASIMO conducting the Detroit Symphony in May (coincidentally enough, the week after I conducted the DSO). I confess that I found the fluidity in the motion rather extraordinary (he's quite a piece of engineering!!). I've been asked countless times after this video hit YouTube whether I feared for my livelihood, but I think the answer is pretty evident. No matter how sophisticated the technology, it is impossible for any machine to duplicated what a musician can do, until machines can learn intuition, and the delicate push/pull of a dynamic situation (like conducting) where one is making split second decisions about how to lead and convince and cajole - not based on an equation, but on a primal gut instinct. And I don't much care for his phrasing, or his lack of rubato.

I had written, shortly after ASIMO's debut, to Leonard Slatkin, a mentor I first met at the National Conducting Institute in 2002, and after discussing all manner of other topics, he answered my question about robot conductors: "As far as ASIMO goes, let's just say that it is not ready for the NCI yet." Good to know...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not even sure what I think after seeing that. I wonder what the musicians thought of that stunt? I wonder if I'm showing my age that it reminded me of how bored I was seeing President Carter at the Hall of Presidents at Disney World as a kid? I wonder if ASIMO came with a date? I wonder if it has an iPod? I wonder if it comes in different colors? I wonder if it can conduct in 5/4? I wonder how much it got paid? I wonder if it sits in its own seat on a flight or if the owner has to pay an extra $25 to have it stowed?

All I know for sure is it put "Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto" in my head. And now I bet it's in yours, too :)

Kilroy was here,

July 9, 2008 at 10:00 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

ah, Styx...and the 80's...

July 9, 2008 at 11:47 PM  

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