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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Monday, October 26, 2009

Ask An Expert: Looking For Lyrics

Roger Connolly sent in a question that I was somewhat surprised to realize I might know the answer to:

Q: Was there a popular song based on Tchaikovskys 5th Symphony, 2nd movement, other than Moon Love by Glenn Miller? I am looking for the lyrics "questions and answers" or something like that. This has been bugging me for 50 years.

Hmmm. I actually had to look up Moon Love, but you're right that Miller did base it on Tchaikovsky's famous theme, which, by the way, goes like this...

And here's Glenn Miller and his orchestra...

Now, I don't know of any particular song that uses that theme along with a lyric about questions and answers, but the most famous pop version that I know came courtesy of Mr. John Denver...

Personally, I'll take Tchaikovsky's or Miller's version over Denver's, but Annie's Song was definitely a favorite of a whole generation of listeners. I'm not 100% sure that this is the song Roger's looking for (especially since it wasn't written 50 years ago,) but in poking around, I haven't been able to find reference to any songs based on that theme other than these two. If anyone else knows different, chime in down in the comments...

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