Minnesota Orchestra

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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Yes, Sam and I are hours away from our first Inside the Classics show - we finished our second rehearsal this morning and now I'm home for a few hours of script touch-ups and last minute prep. As Sam said, we've been too busy to even talk about the show this time 'round! I promise I'll have some thoughts for you next week.

In the meantime, I couldn't let this bit of arts news go, because I can't think of a stranger combination (Lady Gaga and the Bohsoi? Really??). Can anyone out there think of a stranger mash-up???

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Blogger Rusty said...

I found your blog by accident. I was messing about with twitter and launched a site called "Trendsmap." It lets you see what is trending on twitter (in English) in any location of the world. I was surprised to see that "Orchestra" was trending in the Twin Cities, along with "Packers" and "Michigan." So, I clicked on it. Turns out the local twitterverse is abuzz because of the Ben Folds Concert. Kudos. Here's a sample: @wyoming_mad said, "LOVED Ben Folds w/Minnesota Orchestra. Sarah Hicks totally won me over, singing along as she conducted. Might have to go see her do pops."

This isn't a Lady Gaga mash-up, just a brilliant cover of "Poker Face" arranged for ukulele's and pocket synth.

November 1, 2009 at 6:29 AM  

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