Minnesota Orchestra

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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

And now for something completely different...

...a man with two noses.

(It's been a Monty Python kind of afternoon.)

The phrase came to mind as I was flying back to Minneapolis last night (and in a decidedly non-Pythonian context) - I was putting Post-Its on my La Mer score to mark excerpts for our Inside the Classics concerts this week (fun arts and crafts!):

I've just finished a subscription week with the North Carolina Symphony (my "other" orchestra) and baritone (and dear friend) Randy Scarlata, a program of Liszt, Mahler and Dvorak. It's an interesting mental leap to go from a very standard concert format playing some great warhorses - with 4 rehearsals, to boot! - to an unconventional format where I'm worried about timing my music theory portion and making a smooth transition between talking and conducting and marking excerpts correctly...and making it all happen on a single rehearsal.

But the very challenge is what makes it fun, and I remind myself that one of the reasons I do the things I do is that I love the different-ness of it all.

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Anonymous Shelley said...

Sarah, I met you during the pre-concert talk. It was marvelous to have you. (and to meet an author of one of my favorite blogs!) Thank you for making NC your "other orchestra." The Hall was buzzing about you. I told my little girls about the concert, and my three-year-old asked, "How was the girl? You know, the one..." She couldn't remember your name, so she waved her hands around wildly, her imitation of a conductor.

Best wishes for your continued success,

January 27, 2010 at 7:29 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Shelley, it was great to meet you as well! So fantastic to have blog readers all over the country. And you should bring your little girls to our family concerts at Meymandi!

February 2, 2010 at 11:30 AM  

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