Minnesota Orchestra

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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Friday, January 8, 2010

We Are So Hollywood

So, apparently, those of you attending the orchestra's Sounds of Cinema festival this weekend or next will be getting an intermission faceful of all that video we were shooting during last October's Inside the Classics concerts, wrapped up in classic Tinseltown movie trailer format...

Heh. Nothing like getting a high-definition look at yourself on stage - I'm still decidedly unused to to that part of my role in this series, and the anxiety I feel whenever something like this is in the works has made me understand why people who work on camera for a living are so obsessed with cosmetic surgery. (Sarah, of course, looks fabulous as always. Maybe I need to stand further away from her so as not to invite the comparison - St. Cloud, say.)

Interestingly, the tagline that the unseen voice intones at the beginning of the trailer - "Don't think of it as a concert, think of it as a show about a concert" - was taken from a bunch of meaningless backstage banter that our video crew taped as Sarah and I were getting ready to go on stage for the first ItC show of the year. You just never know where you're going to find your next advertising slogan.

And speaking of video, we've got a whole mess of raw and edited footage taken from those same October concerts over at the new and improved Video section of the website. In addition to the introductory videos Sarah and I shoot for the series each season, you'll now find extensive clips of the first half of the Beethoven Pastoral show, as well as a bunch of videos of our favorite audience members talking about what exactly we do up there. Thanks to anyone and everyone who jumped in front of a camera for us - y'all say it better than we ever could...

(P.S. Extra credit to anyone who can pick out which audience member featured in the above trailer is related to me...)

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