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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Thursday, January 10, 2008

"Podium Idol"

Oh, boy, this would be an interesting one - check out this recent article from the Guardian. Just what we need; "celebrity would-be conductors". I really waffle on stuff like this. On one hand, I'm always delighted to have orchestral music out there in the mainstream. On the other hand, I cringe to think that a TV show like the one the BBC proposes might suggest that anyone could go pick up a baton and fancy themselves a conductor... but I think I would definitely tune in to watch what happens!

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Blogger Sam said...

Oh, c'mon! You don't want to see Gordon Ramsey have a spittle-spewing meltdown in front the BBC Symphony? You don't want to see that little twit who hosts BBC World News America tearfully exit the show after realizing that no amount of fawning after Hillary Clinton can teach him how to beat in compound meter?

...that's just me, then? I'm watching too much Brit TV, you say? Whatever. There's a writers' strike on. I take what I can get.

January 10, 2008 at 7:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A part of me cringes at this news, but the other part says, "Yeah, it's about time that classical music got this kind of attention so people can see/hear that music is music and classical music is just as much fun as all the other music in the world."

I would object, however, if they format the show as a comedy, expecting pratfalls from the celebrities and in general making fun of conducting. It's hard work and takes knowledge, skill and heart. Of course, if the show were to demonstrate just how hard it is -- a celebrity trying to keep the beat, dealing with a diva soprano, or trying to get 85+ musicians to agree with him/her, I'd tune in! I love Brit TV....

Oh, and who are the "international conductors" who are to impart pearls of wisdom or the young conductor-mentors? That could be just as interesting as who the celebrities are....

January 12, 2008 at 4:22 PM  

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