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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Ho ho ho?

No, not St. Nick, actually; it's Finnish conductor and composer Leif Segerstam. But you must admit, the resemblance is striking, yes?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's got a great, interesting face, too!

As I've been researching Helsinki and the Philharmonic for my novel, I found this wonderful photo of Mr. Segerstam, http://www.hel2.fi/filharmonia/english/konsertit/index.htm. I thought he bore a resemblance to Johannes Brahms. The beard really does it....

And then I stumbled onto a Russian classical music website with a forum thread discussing "the most beautiful orchestral" which turned out to be about conductors with photos posted. It's at http://www.forumklassica.ru and look under Sections for Simfonicheskaya music/Average and the most beautiful orchestral thread. Although I'm not certain it's still there. I found it late last year.... It was quite entertaining.

March 5, 2008 at 5:26 PM  

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