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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Friday, May 30, 2008

More Copland Audio

Here are three more audio samples from our Inside the Classics season finale. First, a bit of history on Copland's political moorings, followed by a full performance of his immortal Fanfare for the Common Man...

Next, following our brief sample of the dense, intellectual music of Arnold Schoenberg, Sarah heads to the piano to break down just what serialists like Schoenberg were doing with their strange-sounding tone rows. She then brings the conversation back to Copland, and his innovative use of traditional harmonies...

Finally, our resident "eminent musicologist," Michael Steinberg, was on hand for the show, and he had some fascinating insights on Copland's place in the decidedly fractious music world of the mid-20th century...

I'll try to get some clips of our other two Inside the Classics concerts up in the coming weeks. If there's anything in particular from either the Stravinsky or Tchaikovsky show that you're dying to hear again, say so below in the comments, and I'll do my best to make it happen.

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