Minnesota Orchestra

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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Monday, May 19, 2008

Playing telephone

Yesterday the Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra, a local community orchestra led by Minnesota Orchestra acting associate principal bassist Bill Schrickel premiered a piece by Minnesota Orchestra music director Osmo Vanska entitlted "The Bridge".

A nice story, and one discussed in this MPR online article. Simple enough, right?

Remember that childhood game, "Telephone"? Where you pass a message, person to person, until you (usually) end up with a garbled message that bears some semblance to the original but has morphed over the course of the passing?

So, here's what the Associated Press gleaned from the original information, which was then picked up by news sources nationwide.

Wait, the Minnesota Symphony Orchestra??? A colleague at the Orchestra later told me that the original header for the MPR article itself was incorrect ( which could still be seen this afternoon when I Googled "Minnesota Symphony Orchestra):

MPR: Osmo Vanska composes a musical 'bridge'
The Minnesota Symphony Orchestra is premiering a new work by Minnesota Orchestra conductor Osmo Vanska, called "The Bridge." It's inspired in part by the ...
feeds.publicradio.org/~r/MPR_NewsFeatures/~3/291905521/ - 48k - Cached - Similar pages

Well, mistakes happen. Although it's a little embarrassing that our local news media got it wrong to begin with. But here's the kicker, a brief mention of the premiere in Alex Ross's influential and widely-read blog, "The Rest is Noise". Please note paragraph number 2, in which he describes the Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra (correctly identified!) as "the Twin Cities' other orchestra".

I'm wondering how the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra feels about this...

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Blogger Sam said...

I'm wondering how the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra feels about this...

Not to mention the Bloomington Symphony, the Minnesota Sinfonia, the Kenwood Symphony, and any other local freelance, community, and semi-pro orchestras I'm forgetting about at the moment...

May 19, 2008 at 9:06 PM  
Blogger Alex Ross said...

Apologies to the other orchestras (I'd mentally put the St. Paul in a different category); I've corrected the post.

May 20, 2008 at 8:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To add to all the confusion, of course, the original name for the MO was the Minneapolis Symphony...

May 29, 2008 at 9:13 PM  

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