Minnesota Orchestra

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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Friday, October 31, 2008

Hallowe'en Madness

Almost every year, our principal horn player, Mike Gast, throws an all-orchestra Hallowe'en bash at his Uptown abode, and every time he does, there wind up being some truly excellent costumes. So here, for your All Hallows Eve enjoyment, are some shots I snapped at this year's party, which, since we're working tonight, took place last weekend...

Our gracious host, with bassist Dave Williamson in the duct tape.

Oboist Julie Gramolini, cleverly costumed as herself several years ago in the Air Force.

Outreach/Education staffer Mele Willis channeling her inner Alaska governor.

Flutist Wendy Williams as Cindy McCain. Ah, election year.

Trumpeter Chuck Lazarus doing his best Joe the Plumber. (Be glad this isn't a rear view. Chuck went all out for plumber authenticity, if you know what I mean.)

Violist Megan Tam spent hours sewing this. She's "Undecided." Get it?

Oh, yeah. I was there, too...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too funny!

October 31, 2008 at 11:33 PM  

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