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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Monday, November 3, 2008

Minneapolis Overrun With Composers!

I'll be writing more about the Minnesota Orchestra's vaunted Composer Institute later in the week, as the orchestra itself joins the festivities and starts rehearsing the seven works that will make up this Friday's FutureClassics concert, the Institute's culminating event. (Get your ridiculously affordable tickets here.)

But if you'd like to follow along with our participating composers as they struggle through what will undoubtedly be one of the most exhausting and information-packed weeks of their young professional lives, you can check in over at the excellent NewMusicBox website, where New York-based composer Ted Hearne and St. Olaf College composer-in-residence Justin Merritt are blogging the week. If they're anything like the blogger/composers NewMusicBox has tapped for this duty in past years, they'll have no shortage of opinions, and likely a few things to say about the experience of working with us jaded, cynical professional musicians. Stay tuned...

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