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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Friday, March 13, 2009

Cutting Room Floor: Ask A 17-Year-Old Expert

Sorry for the light blogging this week. We do each have a good excuse - I'm getting ready for two big Mahler concerts on our subscription schedule this week and working overtime in an effort to get the logistics of our final Inside the Classics concerts of the season locked down and ready for our special guest's arrival next Monday evening.

Meanwhile, Sarah is frantically preparing scores for five (count 'em, five) different concerts that she's conducting this week and next. Specifically, she's leading one season preview concert, one full classical concert to be played 50 miles from Orchestra Hall, one set of Young People's Concerts, one pops show featuring two of the three Irish Tenors (one of whom made her drink a shot of whiskey onstage, mid-show, the last time he was here) and, of course, our ItC concerts. For these five shows, all of which contain different music, she has a grand total of four rehearsals with the orchestra. What was that about the glamorous life of a conductor?

Anyway, needless to say, we're very excited about Jay's impending arrival and the show we've built around his 5th Symphony. (I'm assuming you've all got your tickets already, right?) And while we'll be focusing our in-concert discussion with Mr. Greenberg primarily around the specific musical techniques he employs in his symphony, we know that all of you likely have many, many questions for him as well on a wider range of subjects. He'll be joining us for the post-concert Q&A, so you can ask him there in person, but if you can't make the show, or just prefer anonymity, go ahead and submit a question for Jay in the comments below this post, or through the Minnesota Orchestra's newly acquired Twitter account, and we'll do our best to get answers for you. If there's enough interest, we'll do an additional blog post after the concerts next week with Jay's answers...

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Blogger Nicki said...

I do have my ticket - for Thursday- and am looking forward to the concert. My question for Jay - and I've always wanted to ask this of a composer- is "Do you ever have competing music - music you've heard and are familiar with - in your head when you compose?
and how do you get rid of it and concentrate on your own thoughts?"
Many thanks.

March 14, 2009 at 7:46 PM  

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