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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Looking For The Flames

I've written before about St. Paul's T.D. Mischke, the former KSTP radio talker who once showed up at Orchestra Hall just to watch a rehearsal and chat excitedly with as many musicians as he could collar. These days, Mischke's taken a new gig over at City Pages, our alternative weekly paper, where he conducts a daily online "radio" show and, even better, writes regularly for the paper and its web site. Not surprisingly, he's instantly become one of the most indispensable columnists in town. The man has a way with words, and when he turns his thoughts to music, well...

"They said God help the artist who doesn't want to rebel. Have mercy on the poor bastard who isn't running away from something pleasant and beelining toward something dangerous. Because that's where the fire flares all night long. And if an artist, a musician, a songwriter, isn't looking for the flames, then he's found himself a deadly little pocket of comfort, as edgy as a new suburban development, as easy as a patio. Then he's no artist at all."

That paragraph ought to be carved in stone at every concert hall, musicians' union local, and music school in the world, if you ask me.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tommy Mischke has been an essential voice in this market for a long time. KSTP's ill-planned loss is City Page's gain. The sad news is that too many suits don't care...about a lot of things. As is usually the case, Mischke is spot-on regarding artists "looking for the flames." Sam, don't you think this is another definition of passion? Not only passion inspired, but passion demonstrated! I believe those of us watching you play and listening intently to the music can understand an off-night now and then, but we can always tell when you don't care. Keep up the great work! -- Jerry

May 11, 2009 at 10:12 PM  

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