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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

tlhIngan maH!

That's "We are Klingons!"...in Klingon, of course.

I caught the new "Star Trek" movie last night, and while I enjoyed it immensely (although it was actually Klingon-free), I found Michael Giacchino's soundtrack oddly hollow. The reorchestration of the original TV series theme which accompanied the end credits was particularly under-driven. Maybe it was a conscious effort to avoid the kitsch-factor of the original, but taking away some of the rhythmic impetus (as well as the signature vocal line) made it fall a bit flat. Call me old-school if you like; I'll take it as a compliment.

"Star Trek" in its many incarnation has inspired fervent fandom all over the world, which has occasionally spilled over into the musical realm. The most recent - workshopping a Klingon-language opera. Klingons, in the Star Trek universe, are a wrinkle-headed warrior race. What's fascinating is that an actual language has been created for this fictional race, and that people pursue serious linguistic study of said fictional race with its concocted language.

The proposed Klingon opera, "u", involves not just Klingon language but also enthomusicological research. I'll be interested to what kind of creative notation system, harmonic language and structural methodology will be "discovered", boldly going where no man has gone before.

Postscript - although not a superfan, I'm certainly a little bit of a nerd...

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Anonymous Chris G. Larson said...

My favorite Star Trek music story is about how the show's creator Gene Roddenberry managed to earn half of the royalties from the show's famous theme song by writing phantom "lyrics" that were never used.

May 12, 2009 at 2:01 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

Postscript - although not a superfan, I'm certainly a little bit of a nerd...Ahem. I believe the term I used was "dweeby nerd."

May 12, 2009 at 8:06 PM  

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