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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Couldn't resist

I've been avoiding commentary on Michael Jackson's death (because, given the coverage on all the major media outlets, what could there possibly be to add??), but I had to share this with you:

(Organist Robert Ridgell plays a Jacksonian postlude last Sunday at Trinity Wall Street)

The (modal!) fugal treatment of "ABC" is particularly stunning. And make sure to watch through the collegial Book of Common Prayer-thumping at the end!

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Blogger Sam said...

When I was a teenager at my summer music camp in Massachusetts, we had a canon called "Hey, ho to the Greenwood" that we sang constantly as the unofficial camp anthem. Since the camp was in a small town, we also sang hymns every Sunday at the low-key church downtown, forming a temporary church choir for a congregation that had none, with our choir director serving as the organist.

One of the organist's duties was to somehow improvise a transition from one of the hymns to a benediction that the congregation sang every week. Our choir director took great pleasure in these improv moments, and on the final Sunday of camp every year, he would always make sure that the last bit of noodling he played before going into the benediction was an immediately recognizable snippet of "Hey, ho." Who says classical musicians aren't versatile?

July 2, 2009 at 1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's a rumor out there that Michael Jackson had a lot of unreleased recordings in his vault. He'd put together at least two new CDs -- one R&B and the other CLASSICAL. No authoritative announcements about this or if/when the CDs will be released -- I'd think now would be a particularly good time to take advantage of the intense interest in his music. I can't wait to hear what he did for the latter....

I'm truly sorry for the Jackson family's loss, and for his three children's loss. They've lost their father, no matter how we might view him. For that it's been a very sad week, indeed.


July 3, 2009 at 4:24 PM  

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