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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Fighting For The Right To Complain

This past week, an honest-to-God US Congressman introduced a measure on the floor of the House which would designate the day before Thanksgiving "Complaint Free Wednesday." His heart was probably in the right place, but honestly. The economy's in the tank, Wall Street seems to have gotten away scot free with most of its own wealth while making all of ours disappear, political civility is at an all-time low, the unemployment rate is through the roof and still climbing, and one of the guys tasked (in part) with preventing this kind of thing from happening wants us to stop complaining?

Besides, there are better ways to deal with the human propensity for constant griping. Consider the Helsinki Complaints Choir, the brainchild of Finnish artists Tellervo Kalleinen and Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen...

My personal favorite part of this is the complaint about cell phone ringtones, sung to the tune of that ubiquitous Nokia ringtone. See there, Congressman? There's good to be found everywhere - even in perpetual whining.

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Anonymous Anita said...

This was such fun! Thanks.

November 23, 2009 at 2:07 PM  

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