Minnesota Orchestra

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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Monday, November 19, 2007

Of Firebirds & Foolishness...

Here are a bunch more photos from our Thursday night Inside the Classics concert last week, courtesy of crack photographer Greg Helgeson...

Our brilliant guest dancers were Penelope Freeh and Justin Leaf, both members of James Sewell Ballet. They also proved more than willing to participate in some of our first-half shenanigans, even at the possible expense of their pride...

Nothing like being held at daggerpoint by a 5'2" blond violinist, is there, Justin?

If memory serves, this was actually one of the less ridiculous facial expressions I sported over the course of the night. (Please note that Sarah, as usual, looks completely composed and fabulous. This should give you some idea of how our photo session for the series brochure went.)

The first violins are really never going to live down the tiara thing, and this pleases me.

My favorite thing about this shot is the way that cellist Beth Rapier and violinist Julie Ayer are so clearly unimpressed by Tom & Richard's terrifying arsenal. (And since more than one person asked: yes, that is, in fact, my hockey stick. And yes, I am a left-handed shot, albeit a very, very bad one.)

I honestly don't know what we would have done had David Wright not agreed to take on the role of the Kastchei. In a flurry of enthusiasm, he even supplied his own costume...

Many of you have commented that you really like watching Sarah conduct. I strongly suspect that moments like this are the reason why.

Thanks again to everyone who came to the concerts! Our PR staffers tell us that they can't remember the last time they got such immediate positive feedback from members of the audience, and we're taking your ideas and suggestions into account as we plan future shows. We'll see you in January for our next ItC concert, but this site won't be taking a break for the holidays! Keep coming back regularly, and we promise to have fresh content, new Ask An Expert questions, and those long-awaited podcasts going up throughout the year!

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Blogger Sarah said...

On behalf of my mother: "Sarah, you look like a toucan in that photo, what did you put in your hair??" (It's funnier in Japanese...)

November 24, 2007 at 11:54 PM  

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