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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Seoul greetings

I'm now in Seoul, South Korea to conduct the 16th annual "Song of Love and Heart" concert at the Seoul Arts Centre. The rehearsal schedule is packed (chorus, children's chorus and soloists as well as orchestra), and jetlag has me popping awake at 4 am, but it's always fun to be overseas and immersing myself in a different culture. More on that in a bit...but for now, the view from my hotel room.



Blogger Sam said...

Do my eyes deceive me, or is there snow on the ground in that picture? Unfair! Bring some back to Minnesota with you, would you please?

On another note, here's a question I always ask conductors working in foreign lands: what language are you rehearsing in? Is there an assumption that the orchestra you work with will speak English, or are you using Japanese? (I'm assuming you don't speak Korean, since you've never mentioned it, but I suppose it's possible that you do...)

November 20, 2007 at 7:54 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

Yup, that's snow, and it's colder here than in MN! The spicy food keeps ya warm, though...

The language things depends. Most of the orchestras here do OK with English, although I have a translator on-hand, just in case. My Korean is very limited - "Good morning", "Thank you", "Very good" and "The brass are too loud" (kidding!). I never assume anything, except that "crescendo" and "fermata" and what not are universal, as are a big smile and a sense of humor.

November 20, 2007 at 11:13 PM  

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