Minnesota Orchestra

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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Sunday, July 13, 2008

And It's Root, Root, Root For the Twinkies...

Around this time of year at Orchestra Hall, while Sommerfest audiences are spending their intermission break sipping wine, strolling Peavey Plaza, or conversing on any number of high-minded topics, the best place to find about half our orchestra's musicians is clustered in a corner of our backstage lounge, watching the Minnesota Twins on one of the two TVs we've stacked on top of a filing cabinet there. (We even have cable!)

Why two TVs? Well, we've had one forever, or at least as long as I've been around, and it was fine for baseball season (if a bit small for a whole roomful of people to try to watch,) but during the winter, disputes were known to break out between the hockey crowd and the basketball crowd over which sport should be on, and eventually, our principal cellist used his winnings from our annual NCAA March Madness pool to buy us a brand new set, and our wily stagehands threw a splitter on the cable wire, and voila! No more arguments.

Well, okay, there are arguments. But they tend to be your standard-issue sports talk arguments, which, as everyone knows, are fun, right up until they aren't anymore. And with multiple games playing on multiple sets simultaneously, there can be some very entertaining (and confusing) crosstalk in our little corner...

I recorded that last November, I think, just to hear how much we sound like a bunch of typical morons at a sports bar. Quite a bit, apparently. By the way, the cast list for that little bunch of nonsense, as best I can make out, includes yours truly, bassist Dave Williamson, violist Megan Tam, and violinist Mike Sutton on the hockey talk; cellist Tony Ross, percussionist Kevin Watkins, and horn player Mike Gast talking hoops;and violist Richard Marshall asking questions about a sport I can't identify.

So, anyway, back to the Twins. They're doing awfully well this year, quite a bit better than anyone really expected in what was supposed to be a rebuilding year, which is great for us in the orchestra, because we tend to make a lot of noise in our little sports corner when good things are happening to our teams, and it's always nice to go back on stage with a bit of extra adrenaline. But what's impressed me most about the Twins this summer isn't anything they've accomplished on the field: it's something they dared to do off it, in full view of the public, despite virtual assurance that they'd come off looking more than a little goofy.

If you've watched any Twins games this season, you probably know what I'm talking about. The team, always known for the great TV commercials it produces, got its entire pitching staff together to record a promotional ad in which, for no apparent reason, they stand on chorus risers in the middle of an outdoor diamond and sing about themselves to the tune of Beethoven's "Ode to Joy," while pitching coach Rick Anderson conducts them with a miniature bat.

That takes some serious guts, if you ask me. Imagine if someone asked you and everyone you work with to sing a little song for everyone in your city to watch on television for the next six months. (Actually, you don't have to imagine it. There's a reality show on TLC that does exactly that...) And the most amazing thing about it is that, with the notable exception of Matt Guerrier, these guys all seem quite capable of singing on pitch! I mean, none of them is going to be taking gigs away from Nathan Gunn anytime soon, and maybe I'm just imposing a stereotypical view of professional athletes on the situation, but doesn't it seem surprising that the Twins pitchers can (almost) all sing decently?

Just one more reason to love 'em, I guess. Now, if you'll excuse me, SportsCenter's about to start...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "Ode to Joy" commercial cracks me up every time I see it. I also like the one where an Indians fan's windshield gets smashed by a baseball and former Twins manager Tom Kelly walks by and says "Aw, that's a shame." I've noticed that Peavey Plaza makes a cameo appearance in that ad.

July 14, 2008 at 11:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Twinkie Singers: I'd like to think that if I got paid $10 Million a year I'd get up there and make an arse out of myself too. Even then, I still might be inclined to utilize the latest in lip-syncing technology. But considering the dreadful showing I had in my NCAA office pool this year I better just keep my mouth shut.

Sam, you sure crack me up with some of your postings. I find it humorous that you actually have a recording of you and your comrades watching sports..from last November no less. Do you have a recording device strapped to you at all times? How does one file something like that away?

Finally, I was listening to a recording of the junior e-competition on my way to and from work today (sounds like bravo man was in the house). Those kids are amazing! I was particularly drawn to Nansong Huang's excellent Rachmaninoff playing. I cannot comprehend how one can play with such technical ability as well as with such depth of feeling at 14.

I have to get the Sommerfest schedule down. I missed out on getting my first official bratwurst (the first unofficial was a grocery store sample) of the summer by a matter of minutes over the weekend. Now I have to wait until Friday.

July 14, 2008 at 10:15 PM  

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