Minnesota Orchestra

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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Gone fishin'

Yup, it's real, although pretty unbelievable, no matter how many times I see it (Waimanalo beach on Oahu, an hour or so drive from Honolulu, where I grew up.) I'm in Hawaii for the week visiting my mom, so I probably won't be posting until I get back. I fully intend to work on my tan on this hiatus, and although I have some work to do ("Broadway Rocks" show with the Orchestra next week, and a Pink Floyd show next weekend in Philly - more on that later!), I'll be in vacation mode. Hope everyone out there is getting some vacation time this summer...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

re Broadway Rocks: Please give us a review with a song list. I'm in NJ or I'd be there. Thanks.

July 19, 2008 at 10:43 AM  

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