Minnesota Orchestra

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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

After Hours: Wednesday Edition

If you were with us tonight at Orchestra Hall, here's your chance to let us know what you thought of the show! We really do pay attention to what you tell us when we plan these concerts, so be as specific as you care to be about what parts you thought worked, what you think could use some tweaking, and any big ideas you might have for the future of Inside the Classics.

Also, if you're reading the blog for the first time, click on the Cutting Room Floor tag to see a whole bunch of stuff we didn't have time for in the show. Thanks to everyone for showing up tonight, and I hope we'll see you all again in January!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

With the fourth movement of Mozart's Jupiter still running in my mind, I have to thank you, Sam & Sarah, for an engaging look at his last symphony. I loved the music theory portion in which Sarah distilled the music down to five individual melodies. I've have never stopped to understand the complexity of it. I listened during the second half with increased interest and a renewed familiarity with the music. Enjoyed the audience participation portion too - more of it, please.

Really enjoyed Michael Gast's show and tell with the horn of late 18th century. Never before have I seen a beer funnel played on stage by a guy who just recently returned from northern California.

November 20, 2008 at 11:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really enjoyed the concert. I studied this piece somewhat extensively in college - and there wasn't a better way to show the complexities of the fourth movement. My fiancee and mom, who don't have any musical experience, were able to understand why the 4th movement is so amazing.


November 21, 2008 at 10:56 AM  

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