Minnesota Orchestra

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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Strangely Mesmerizing

If you've ever been sent into a trance by the music of minimalists like Philip Glass and Steve Reich, and wondered just how they create that mesmerizing effect with nothing looping snippets of music, this site is for you. Part video game, part geometry test, and part compositional aid, you create your own mathematically generated piece just by drawing lines in the way of bouncing balls. Even just drawing a single horizontal line directly under the ball's entry point results quickly in an ever-more-complex world of sound. Box in the whole screen, and see how long you can keep the result from becoming cacophonous.

I'm normally not terribly susceptible to supposedly addictive games. But I've already spent several hours playing with this one. And I'm not even that big a Glass fan...

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Anonymous Steve said...

AARGH. I'm leaving in the morning for 5 days of nothingness on the North Shore, but am I getting ready for that? NO. I'm stuck on the balldroppings website. You're in trouble, mister :)

April 14, 2009 at 10:15 PM  

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