Minnesota Orchestra

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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Podcast Launch!

Well, after weeks of promises, delays, and procrastination by yours truly, I'm pleased to announce the availability of the very first Inside the Classics Podcast! This initial effort consists of four short segments, in which Sarah and I and a few other Minnesota Orchestra musicians share stories, rants, gossip and other behind the scenes tidbits in an effort to give you a look at the chaotic and occasionally hilarious professional world we inhabit.

Bear in mind, this isn't a downloadable concert - in fact, there's very little music on it at all - it's essentially an audio extension of this blog. (It may also, in parts, sound to you as if it has been edited and mixed by an 8-year-old with a Fisher Price mixing board and a 1982 Sony Walkman. I'm really very sorry about that, but I'm new at this part of the job. It'll get better, I promise.)

We're hoping to make this podcasting thing a regular feature of the ItC site, and at the moment, we're leaning towards the idea of putting up shorter bursts of audio on a more frequent basis, rather than waiting until we manage to cobble together a full-length 25-minute program. But it basically all depend on you, so let us know what (and who) you'd like to hear, and what you could happily go without hearing ever again. Hit the play button below to listen to our inaugural effort, or just click the Podcast button at the top of the page to get access to all our audio content anytime...

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