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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


...to the season opener concerts here with the Minnesota Orchestra from last week. Fresh off of a fairly recent blog discussion of applause between movements (scroll down to the comments), what did we get during the Friday evening performance of Rodrigo Concierto de Aranjuez but...applause between movements. Anyone out there attend this particular show who'd be willing to weigh in? I'm always curious.

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Blogger Sam said...

Worth noting - the Friday concert served as the kickoff event for the Crescendo Project, MN Orch's new "young patrons" group, which drew a fair number of first-timers to the hall.

Also, my mother, who attends most of our concerts, reports that she heard an unusual amount of Spanish being spoken at intermission, so we could surmise that the Spanish/Latin-themed program drew some new listeners from Minneapolis's growing Latino population as well.

Since new listeners are the most likely to applaud between movements (if no one's ever told them not to,) and since Friday was the only show of the week that drew such applause, that's my theory. I'd also note that the applause was quite respectful, and didn't interrupt the performance in any way.

September 24, 2008 at 10:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm fairly indifferent on the whole thing. Although I would never applaud between movements, it certainly doesn't bother me. I was in the audience for the Friday night concert, and I agree with Sam in that the audience was very respectful and waited for all the sound to die off before they would applaud. The only thing that bothered me on Friday was early clapping after Sharon Isbin's exquisite encore.

Since you bring up this show, I want to mention how truly wonderful it was. I was chomping at the bit to hear this concert. The first two programs (and week 4 too) bring some fresh repertoire - at least repertoire we wouldn't necessarily associate with Osmo Vanska. And as usual, we got a whole new perspective on these pieces - it's all in the details folks. The orchestra was splendid - just an amazing amount of solo work throughout the show.

The more time goes on, the more admiration I have for Osmo. He and the orchestra work so dawg-gone hard. You can see it in the playing, and his conducting of course. It must be very physically taxing...where does he get all this energy from? In my opinion though, a brilliantly crafted program.

Looking forward to tomorrow's show....

September 25, 2008 at 7:17 AM  
Blogger Sam said...

Since you bring up this show, I want to mention how truly wonderful it was...

Thanks for that. To be honest, a lot of us in the orchestra didn't really get what we were trying to accomplish with that program, until we saw the audience reaction, which was tremendous all week. I got more unsolicited compliments on Friday and Saturday night than for any program we've done in years. Clearly, the program was more in our wheelhouse than we may have initially suspected...

September 25, 2008 at 9:14 PM  

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