Minnesota Orchestra

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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Three minute egg

No, not some sort of esoteric reference, but a neew arts website. Ruminations from the Orchestra's first rehearsal of the season can be seen at the September 17 post, "the start of the season". I like the sports analogy, which seems an apt one, as musicians, like athletes, worry about maintaining conditioning in the off-season and about stamina in the long haul.

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Blogger Sam said...

If 3-Minute Egg proprietor Matt Peiken's name sounds familiar to some readers, it's because he used to be the St. Paul Pioneer Press's classical music critic/beat reporter, before the paper decided it didn't need one of those on staff anymore.

History suggests that Matt often has a unique take on the Twin Cities' cultural scene, so this site may well be worth bookmarking...

September 20, 2008 at 2:04 AM  

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