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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

After Hours: Wednesday Edition

If you were with us at Orchestra Hall tonight for the Jay Greenberg symphony, here's your chance to tell us what you thought of the show. Did you like the video component? Was the balance between interview and our usual format successful on the first half? What did you think of the symphony itself? (Remember, we really do use your feedback to shape future shows.)

Most importantly, we're interested in knowing how you feel about our occasionally programming new music on this series. It's something we'd like to do more of in the future if our audience shows an interest, but we also want to hear if you'd prefer that we just stick to the core orchestral repertoire. Chime in below in the comments, and be as detailed as you'd like...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thoroughly enjoyed tonight's concert. I had not been to an "Inside the Classics" concert before, but I plan on attending more in the future. I think it is refreshing to hear from the composer because as you said, it is difficult to call up Mozart and talk to him. I hope that you do continue to program in some new music.

March 18, 2009 at 10:20 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm very much looking forward to the program tomorrow night. I'll share my thoughts following!

March 18, 2009 at 10:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved the video component. Nice to be able to see the players up close while they have a solo. The interview was very interesting and insightful. Greenberg is an amazing talent. It is so wonderful to hear a young composer writing music first and not sounds which seems to be the prevailing theory these days.

March 19, 2009 at 5:34 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

What Raj said - can't wait for tonight!

March 19, 2009 at 7:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on a great concert! I thoroughly enjoyed it. I also liked the questions you asked of Greenberg. It felt informative and about the compositional process, not a side show Hey Look At This Freak event.

While I love looking at the classic repertoire, it was great to give a newer piece the "Inside the Classics" treatment! Hearing from the composer what he felt his influences were (and then hearing some of those influences) and hearing from the performers what they thought Greenberg's influences were (and then hearing some of them) was great. And thanks for the last piece in the first half. It's always been one of my favorites. When the brass open up into the chorale at the end, it sends a shiver down my spine.

March 19, 2009 at 9:16 AM  
Blogger Garrett Sampson said...

We enjoyed Wednesday night's Greenberg Symphony concert very much! It was so interesting to hear Sam Bergman's questions and comments as well as the remarks Sara added. The insights from Jay were also a wonderful addition to the evening---amazing that someone that age is composing such enjoyable music. And being able to see the individual orchestra members as well as larger groups of them during the performance was a real plus---please continue to do that. I thought the interplay between Sam and Sara was great and the insights into Jay's piece compared to other compo-sitions was very enlightening.

Keep up the wonderful work---when's the next Inside the Classics?

Garrett & Judy Sampson

March 19, 2009 at 10:09 AM  
Blogger Sam said...

Thanks, Garrett! Sadly, the next ItC concerts aren't until this coming fall, October 29 & 30. Thus far, we've been mainly a winter series, although there's talk of expanding that in future seasons. Click the 09-10 Season button at the top of the blog to see all of next season's dates and concerts...

March 19, 2009 at 3:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

liked the video component. It was great to see closeups of the musicians. I liked the camera on the stage too so we could see the conductor as if we were on stage.

March 19, 2009 at 11:54 PM  
Blogger inca said...

I love Inside the Classic series. keep up the great work. Wonderful symphony tonight

March 20, 2009 at 12:02 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

We were drawn to this series because of Jay Greenberg. Wish we'd been to the previous concerts too. The video was helpful and very Andre Rieu? making the performance accessible visually for all. The first half theory sections is great and so much education in so little time! I wish it was commented on in "adult concerts" by the conductor at least a bit. Jay is a wonderful composer and believe it a role model! We look forward to more of his work to be performed and available on cd. None of the info on Jay included any basic specifics about his early life, nor did it come up at the concert--maybe in the after Q/A, but missed that. Did he grow up in a musical family? If not how did his parents help nurture his talent? What's it like to be this super musical guy in a typical nervous teen aged body? He seems very modest and sincere about his work and inspirations. Is he influenced by the visual performance when he composes?

Thanks for the concert--the whole thing from start to end was a real treat.
PS My 11yr old son LOVED the BIG screen, and said "it made the talking part worth it!"

March 20, 2009 at 10:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry I'm only getting around to this now. What a fantastic show- this is our second season of ItC, and it was probably the best we've seen.

Sam's interviews reminded me of Elvis Costello's interview show- there's something about a musician talking to musicians that just brings it to a whole different level.

We all loved the video. We have seats right up front, which is great if you want to see the first couple of rows of strings, but my son is a percussionist, and he was delighted whenever the percussionists appeared. (Of course, he's a bit of a freak- Sarah's excellent "theory time" is usually on of his favorite parts.)

Great job- thank you- and we can't wait until next season.

March 24, 2009 at 1:45 PM  

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