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Sarah Hicks and Sam Bergman

Monday, March 16, 2009

Osmo In His Own Words, & ItC In The Strib

If you follow the Minnesota Orchestra at all closely, you're probably no stranger to our music director's biography. In his six seasons with us, he's been a media magnet, and countless articles in newspapers at home and abroad have laid out his reputation as a builder of orchestral underdogs, a tireless detail man, and a dynamic presence on the podium.

But what you probably haven't had much exposure to is Osmo himself - he rarely speaks from the podium, and journalists tend to "clean up" his quotes if he words something oddly, which takes much of the considerable personality out of the way he speaks. So I thought I'd post a link to an extended conversation an interviewer at Deutsche Welle (the English-language German broadcaster) had with Osmo recently. The interviewer has something of an odd speaking style, but he asks excellent questions, and Osmo gets to answer in as extended a fashion as he cares to.

If the link above (which should pop up an audio player) isn't working for you, click here to go to Deutsche Welle's site, and scroll down for the audio link...
On another media-related note, if you haven't made it out to one of our Inside the Classics concerts before, Graydon Royce over at the Star Tribune has a very nice piece in tomorrow's paper detailing just what it is we do with our little corner of the orchestra's season. Click here to read it online...

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